/* * pmatch.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 1995 - 2014 Holger Kiehl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M3 /* ** NAME ** pmatch - checks string if it matches a certain pattern specified ** with wild cards ** ** SYNOPSIS ** int pmatch(char const *p_filter, char const *p_file, time_t *pmatch_time) ** ** DESCRIPTION ** The function pmatch() checks if 'p_file' matches 'p_filter'. ** 'p_filter' may have the wild cards '*' and '?' anywhere and ** in any order. Where '*' matches any string and '?' matches ** any single character. ** ** RETURN VALUES ** Returns 0 when pattern matches, if this file is definitly ** not wanted 1 and otherwise -1. ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 03.10.1995 H.Kiehl Created ** 18.10.1997 H.Kiehl Introduced inverse filtering. ** 03.02.2000 H.Lepper Fix the case "*xxx*??" sdsfxxxbb ** 29.03.2006 H.Kiehl Added support for expanding filters. ** 01.04.2007 H.Kiehl Fix the case "r10013*00" r10013301000. ** 29.05.2007 H.Kiehl Fix the case "*7????" abcd77abcd ** */ DESCR__E_M3 #include #include /* strncmp() */ #include /* malloc() */ #include /* isdigit() */ #include /* time(), strftime() */ #include /* gethostname() */ /* Local variables. */ static char *tmp_filter = NULL; /* Local function prototypes. */ static char *find(char *, register char *, register int); static void expand_filter(char *, time_t); /*################################ pmatch() #############################*/ int pmatch(char const *p_filter, char const *p_file, time_t *pmatch_time) { register int length; register char *p_gap_file = NULL, *p_gap_filter, *ptr = p_filter, *p_start, *p_start_file = p_file, *p_tmp = NULL, buffer; if (*ptr == '!') { ptr++; } p_start = ptr; while (*ptr != '\0') { length = 0; p_tmp = ptr; switch (*ptr) { case '*' : ptr++; while ((*ptr != '*') && (*ptr != '?') && (*ptr != '%') && (*ptr != '\0')) { length++; ptr++; } if (length == 0) { p_gap_filter = ptr; while (*ptr == '*') { ptr++; } if (*ptr != '\0') { ptr = p_gap_filter; } if ((*ptr == '*') || (*ptr == '?') || (*ptr == '%')) { p_gap_file = p_file + 1; p_gap_filter = p_tmp; break; } else { return((*p_filter != '!') ? 0 : 1); } } buffer = *ptr; if ((p_file = find(p_file, p_tmp + 1, (buffer == '\0') ? length + 1 : length)) == NULL) { return(-1); } else { if (*ptr == '?') { p_gap_file = p_file - length + 1; p_gap_filter = p_tmp; } if ((*ptr == '\0') && (*p_file != '\0')) { ptr = p_tmp; } } if ((buffer == '\0') && (*p_file == '\0')) { return((*p_filter != '!') ? 0 : 1); } break; case '?' : if (*(p_file++) == '\0') { return(-1); } if ((*(++ptr) == '\0') && (*p_file == '\0')) { return((*p_filter != '!') ? 0 : 1); } if ((*ptr == '\0') && (p_gap_file != NULL)) { p_file = p_gap_file; ptr = p_gap_filter; } break; default : if ((*ptr == '%') && ((*(ptr + 1) == 't') || (*(ptr + 1) == 'T') || (*(ptr + 1) == 'h')) && ((ptr == p_start) || ((*(ptr - 1) != '\\')))) { time_t check_time; if (pmatch_time == NULL) { check_time = time(NULL); } else { check_time = *pmatch_time; } expand_filter(p_start, check_time); if (tmp_filter == NULL) { /* We failed to allocate memory, lets ignore expanding. */ goto error_expand; } else { ptr = tmp_filter; p_start = tmp_filter; p_gap_file = NULL; p_file = p_start_file; } } else { error_expand: while ((*ptr != '*') && (*ptr != '?') && (*ptr != '%') && (*ptr != '\0')) { length++; ptr++; } if (CHECK_STRNCMP(p_file, p_tmp, length) != 0) { if (p_gap_file != NULL) { p_file = p_gap_file; ptr = p_gap_filter; break; } return(-1); } p_file += length; if ((*ptr == '\0') && (*p_file == '\0')) { return((*p_filter != '!') ? 0 : 1); } } break; } } return(-1); } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ find() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ /* * Description : Searches in "search_text" for "search_string". If * found, it returns the address of the last character * in "search_string". * Input values : char *search_text * char *search_string * int string_length * Return value : char *search_text when it finds search_text otherwise * NULL is returned. */ static char * find(char *search_text, register char *search_string, register int string_length) { register int hit = 0; while (*search_text != '\0') { if (*(search_text++) == *(search_string++)) { if (++hit == string_length) { return(search_text); } } else { search_string -= (hit + 1); if (hit != 0) { search_text -= hit; hit = 0; } } } if ((*search_string == '\0') && (*search_text == *search_string)) { if (++hit == string_length) { return(search_text); } } return(NULL); } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ expand_filter() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void expand_filter(char *orig_filter, time_t check_time) { if ((tmp_filter != NULL) || ((tmp_filter = malloc(MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH)) != NULL)) { time_t time_modifier = 0; char *rptr, time_mod_sign = '+', *wptr; rptr = orig_filter; wptr = tmp_filter; while ((*rptr != '\0') && (wptr < (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1))) { if ((*rptr == '%') && ((*(rptr + 1) == 't') || (*(rptr + 1) == 'T') || (*(rptr + 1) == 'h')) && ((rptr == orig_filter) || ((*(rptr - 1) != '\\')))) { if (*(rptr + 1) == 't') { time_t time_buf; time_buf = check_time; if (time_modifier > 0) { switch (time_mod_sign) { case '-' : time_buf = time_buf - time_modifier; break; case '*' : time_buf = time_buf * time_modifier; break; case '/' : time_buf = time_buf / time_modifier; break; case '%' : time_buf = time_buf % time_modifier; break; case '+' : default : time_buf = time_buf + time_modifier; break; } } switch (*(rptr + 2)) { case 'a': /* Short day of the week 'Tue'. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%a", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'b': /* Short month 'Jan'. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%b", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'j': /* Day of year [001,366]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%j", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'i': /* Day of month [1,31]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%d", localtime(&time_buf)); if (*(wptr - 2) == '\0') { *(wptr - 2) = *(wptr - 1); *(wptr - 1) = '\0'; wptr -= 1; } break; case 'd': /* Day of month [01,31]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%d", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'M': /* Minute [00,59]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%M", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'J': /* Month [1,12]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%m", localtime(&time_buf)); if (*(wptr - 2) == '\0') { *(wptr - 2) = *(wptr - 1); *(wptr - 1) = '\0'; wptr -= 1; } break; case 'm': /* Month [01,12]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%m", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'y': /* Year 2 chars [01,99]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%y", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'o': /* Hour [0,23]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%H", localtime(&time_buf)); if (*(wptr - 2) == '\0') { *(wptr - 2) = *(wptr - 1); *(wptr - 1) = '\0'; wptr -= 1; } break; case 'H': /* Hour [00,23]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%H", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'S': /* Second [00,59]. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%S", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'Y': /* Year 4 chars 2002. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%Y", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'A': /* Long day of the week 'Tuesday'. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%A", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'B': /* Month 'January'. */ wptr += strftime(wptr, (tmp_filter + MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - wptr), "%B", localtime(&time_buf)); break; case 'U': /* Unix time. */ wptr += snprintf(wptr, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - (wptr - tmp_filter), #if SIZEOF_TIME_T == 4 "%ld", #else "%lld", #endif (pri_time_t)time_buf); break; default : *wptr = '%'; *(wptr + 1) = 't'; *(wptr + 2) = *(rptr + 2); wptr += 3; break; } rptr += 3; } else if (*(rptr + 1) == 'T') { int m, time_unit; char string[MAX_INT_LENGTH + 1]; rptr += 2; switch (*rptr) { case '+' : case '-' : case '*' : case '/' : case '%' : time_mod_sign = *rptr; rptr++; break; default : time_mod_sign = '+'; break; } m = 0; while ((isdigit((int)(*rptr))) && (m < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { string[m++] = *rptr++; } if ((m > 0) && (m < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { string[m] = '\0'; time_modifier = atoi(string); } else { if (m == MAX_INT_LENGTH) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("The time modifier specified in the filter %s is to long."), orig_filter); } else { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("There is no time modifier specified in filter %s"), orig_filter); } time_modifier = 0; } switch (*rptr) { case 'S' : /* Second. */ time_unit = 1; rptr++; break; case 'M' : /* Minute. */ time_unit = 60; rptr++; break; case 'H' : /* Hour. */ time_unit = 3600; rptr++; break; case 'd' : /* Day. */ time_unit = 86400; rptr++; break; default : time_unit = 1; break; } if (time_modifier > 0) { time_modifier = time_modifier * time_unit; } } else /* It must be the hostname modifier. */ { #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTNAME char hostname[40]; if (gethostname(hostname, 40) == -1) { #endif char *p_hostname; if ((p_hostname = getenv("HOSTNAME")) != NULL) { wptr += snprintf(wptr, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - (wptr - tmp_filter), "%s", p_hostname); } else { *wptr = '%'; *(wptr + 1) = 'h'; wptr += 2; } #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTNAME } else { wptr += snprintf(wptr, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - (wptr - tmp_filter), "%s", hostname); } #endif rptr += 2; } } else { *wptr = *rptr; wptr++; rptr++; } } *wptr = '\0'; } return; }