Log file SYSTEM_LOG Here all system events are logged: 13 13:20:45 Rereading DIR_CONFIG initiated by afd@x.x.x.x [udc] 13 13:20:45 There is no change in the HOST_CONFIG file. 13 13:20:45 Rereading DIR_CONFIG(s)... 13 13:20:46 Stopped dir_check (1.4.5-0.3.beta) 13 13:20:46 Found 868 directory entries with 5436 recipients in 2483 destinations. 13 13:20:46 Found 374 hosts in HOST_CONFIG. 13 13:20:46 Done with rereading DIR_CONFIG file. 13 13:20:46 3 directories not in the same filesystem as AFD. (create_db.c 1235) 13 13:20:46 Found 296 rename rule headers with 2596 rules. 13 13:20:46 Starting dir_check (1.4.5-0.3.beta) 13 14:00:00 Removed 5057 archives with 66651 files. 13 15:00:00 Removed 5284 archives with 69156 files. 13 16:00:00 Removed 6252 archives with 75648 files. 13 17:00:00 Removed 5337 archives with 67556 files.