Log file TRANSFER_LOG Everything what happens during transmission is shown in this file: 17 13:06:12 sflxs267[0]: 413.221 KiB (423138 bytes) send in 6 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 sflxs384[0]: 413.221 KiB (423138 bytes) send in 6 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 sflxs349[0]: 413.221 KiB (423138 bytes) send in 6 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 jwsrpd01[0]: 2.504 KiB (2564 bytes) send in 1 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 zpce [1]: 498 bytes send in 6 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 PCmet2 [0]: 2.889 KiB (2958 bytes) send in 1 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 wiis-s1 [0]: 498 bytes send in 6 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 local [0]: File `/home1/afdftp/in/radar-volumen/odc/.opera' did already exist, removed it and linked again. #a1c59306 (sf_loc.c 613) 17 13:06:12 local [0]: 20.898 KiB (21400 bytes) moved in 3 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 R-zpcw [0]: No files found (0). 17 13:06:12 R-zpcw [0]: 226 Directory send OK. 17 13:06:12 RadQS_7 [0]: 413.221 KiB (423138 bytes) send in 6 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 wiis-s2 [0]: 498 bytes send in 6 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:12 BfS-SZ_2[0]: ftp_connect(): Failed to connect() to x.x.x.x : Connection timed out #bdaf1e66 17 13:06:12 BfS-SZ_2[0]: FTP passive connection to `x.x.x.x' at port 21 failed (-1). #bdaf1e66 (sf_ftp.c 404) 17 13:06:13 product2[0]: 2.059 MiB (2159158 bytes) copied in 1 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:13 dupl-n [0]: Deleted 1 duplicate file(s) (2159158 bytes). 17 13:06:13 product2[0]: 94.505 KiB (96773 bytes) copied in 8 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:13 local [0]: 357.398 KiB (365976 bytes) moved in 2 file(s). [BURST] 17 13:06:13 local [1]: 63.650 KiB (65178 bytes) moved in 1 file(s). [BURST]