- Introduction (Holger Kiehl, DWD) 45 minutes - Overview of AFD - Usage at DWD - Other usage - Architecture of AFD (Holger Kiehl, DWD) 45 minutes - Init Process init_afd - Description of all Process - Internal Directory Structure - What happens when a file goes through AFD - Overview of command line tools - Monitoring several AFD's (afd_mon) - Compiling (Holger Kiehl, DWD) 45 minutes - Requirements for compiling AFD - Possible configuration Parameters - Creating RPM - Exercise - Setting up AFD (Holger Kiehl, DWD) 45 minutes - Environment variable AFD_WORK_DIR - Overview of all configuration files - Configuring actions - Starting/Stopping AFD - Exercise - Graphical User Interface (Holger Kiehl, DWD) 45 minutes - Main dialog afd_ctrl to monitor destinations - dir_ctrl to monitor directories - The log dialogs - Information dialog - Dialog to modify the HOST_CONFIG file (edit_hc) - Configuration by examples (Holger Kiehl + Markus Heene, DWD) 45 minutes - Simple configuration copying/moving files from one directory to another locally - Send one file to multiple destinations - Renaming files locally and/or remotely - Sending files via mail - The exec option - Working with priorities - Configuring checks for duplicates - Exercise - Evaluating Log Data (Holger Kiehl, DWD) 45 minutes - The log files in the log directory - Log rotation - ALDA, tool to analyze the log data - Exercise - Performance and other considerations (Holger Kiehl, DWD) 45 minutes - What one needs to consider when AFD runs on a NFS filesystem - Things to consider when configuring the FTP server - Let AFD only move files and NOT copy them - Some performance tweaks - What one needs to consider in an High availability environment