- Init Process init_afd AFD works without any user interface and runs as a daemon process in the background. The parent of all AFD process is the process init_afd. This process ensures that all other process are started in the correct order and that the infrastructure is setup correctly for AFD to run. Once AFD is up running it monitors all process it started. If a process fails for whatever reason it notes this in a log file and will try to restart this process again. IMPORTANT: Do not try to start directly on the command line. There is a commandline tool 'afd' that does this for you. Also do not try to stop AFD by killing init_afd, especially not with the option -9! - Description of all Process init_afd starts all process in the following order: system_log - log process responsible for writing all system information to the file $AFD_WORK_DIR/log/SYSTEM_LOG.0. The log data is read via a FIFO ($AFD_WORK_DIR/fifodir/system_log.fifo). event_log - Process collecting all events. receive_log - Process collecting information what happens on input. transfer_log - Process collecting information what happens on output. trans_db_log - Process collecting debug and trace information of the different protocols supported by AFD. archive_watch - Process that ensures that files that have been put in the archive are deleted when their time is up. input_log - Process logging each file name that enters AFD. output_log - Process logging each file name that leaves AFD. delete_log - Process logging each file name that is deleted by AFD. production_log - Process logging any processing operation on each file going through AFD. distribution_log - Process logging distribution information of a file going through AFD. amg - Automatic Message Generator (AMG), this process evaluates the configuration files $AFD_WORK_DIR/etc/DIR_CONFIG and $AFD_WORK_DIR/etc/HOST_CONFIG. After successful evaluation it will start process dir_check and will monitor its status. dir_check - Process that monitors all local directories for any arriving files. fd - File Distributor (FD), responsible for the transmission of files. To send files it starts process starting with sf_xxx where xxx is the protocol name. For fetching it starts gf_xxx. afdd - To monitor the AFD this daemon is started. aldad - Log process that generates logs in a user specified format. - Internal Directory Structure When AFD is started it automatically creates the following directory structure in $AFD_WORK_DIR: $AFD_WORK_DIR/ | +-----> archive/ | | | +--> alias host name 1 | . | alias host name n | +-----> etc/ | | | +-> action/ | | | +--> source/ | | | | | +--> warn | | +--> error | | | +--> target/ | | | +--> warn | +--> error | +--> success +-----> fifodir +-----> files/ | | | +-> crc | +-> error | +-> incoming/ | | | | | +---> user@host/directory 1 | | . | | user@host/directory n | | | +-> outgoing/ | | | | | +---> job ID 1 (1a3d01fa) | | . | | job ID n | | | +-> pool/ | | | | | +-> unique name 1 (505712ae_80f1_0_f017c351) | | . | | unique name n | | | +-> store | +-> time/ | | | +-> job ID 1 (1e2b6029) | . | job ID n +-----> log +-----> messages - What happens when a file goes through AFD see amg_fd_en.pdf - Overview of command line tools afd - start/stop/initialize AFD udc - reread configuration file DIR_CONFIG uhc - reread configuration file HOST_CONFIG afdcmd - tool to send commands to the AFD afdcfg - tool to configure AFD afd_status - show status of all AFD process and some additional information such as the number of jobs queued, number of transfer jobs active, different log status, etc. fsa_view - view status of the transmitting part of AFD fra_view - view status of the input directories aftp - send/retrieve files via FTP asmtp - send files via SMTP (mail) - Monitoring several AFD's (afd_mon) In an environment where you have several AFD's it is advisable to use afd_mon. This is a program that collects all status information of all AFD's so that they can be made visible via the dialog mon_ctrl. If wanted it is also able to collect all the log files of the remote AFD's. afd_mon gets the information via TCP-socket from the process afdd mentioned above. To setup afd_mon you must create a configuration file $AFD_WORK_DIR/etc/AFD_MON_CONFIG which looks as follows: # +--------------------------------------------------> Alias # | +-------------------------------------> Hostname # | | +-----------------------------> Port # | | | +--------------------------> Interval # | | | | +-----------------------> Connect time # | | | | | +--------------------> Disconnect time # | | | | | | +---------------> Options # | | | | | | | +-----------> Remote cmd # | | | | | | | | +------> Convert user name # | | | | | | | | | Central-AFD ducktown 4444 5 30 600 1024 ssh donald->daisy